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Dr. Kathrin Wieck

Project Coordinator

Dr. Kathrin Wieck is a Lecturer, Researcher and Post-Doc at the Department of Landscape Architecture and Open Space Planning at the Technische Universität Berlin.  She holds a degree in Landscape Planning from the TU Berlin and has been working with informal development for more than a decade. Her strong focus on informality in Latin America is reflected on her numerous works in Brazil, many of which have been funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Her doctoral dissertation focused on “The spatial interactivity of informal settlements”, with Rio de Janeiro as case study.


Prof. Dr. Luciana Andrade

Cooperation Partner / 

Coordinator of Extension Program in Solano Trindade

Prof. Dr. Luciana Andrade is Associate Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PROURB). She holds a PhD in Geography from the PPGG-UFRJ, and a Post Doc from Bauhaus-Weimar University. She is currently conducting a post-doctoral research on low-income housing, focusing on squats, favelas, and social housing with a PDS scholarship from CNPq, along with the Urban Laboratory PPGAU-FA-UFBA. She coordinates the research group “[na]Morar” where she directs the extension program "Project and technological innovation in the production of popular housing and economic enterprises: the Solano Trindade occupation in Duque de Caxias (RJ)".

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M.Sc. Natacha Quintero

Project Assistant

M.Sc. Natacha Quintero is a Research and Teaching Assistant at the Chair of Urban Planning and Spatial Design of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. She studied architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Universidad Central de Venezuela, and urban development at the TU Berlin Campus El-Gouna. As an educator, she is interested in the development of learning tools and interactive teaching methods towards meaningful planning strategies. Natacha is a Doctoral Candidate at the TU Berlin with focus on systemic thinking and non-linear perspectives as methodologies to approach socio-natural systems in urban informal settlements.


Dipl. Ing. Toni Karge

Project Assistant / Moderator

Dipl.-Ing. Toni Karge studied urban and regional planning in Berlin and Oxford and works as an assistant professor at the chair of Sustainable development and urban regeneration of Technische Universität Berlin. He coordinates the international partnerships with the Universidad de Buenos Aires, the Politechnika Warszawska and the Georgian Technical University in Tbilisi. In research, he focuses on the production of the public space, urban gardening and urban agriculture, new forms of civil participation, and bottom-up approaches in urban development. He is a member of – network for urban culture.

Local Coordinator /

Project Assistant

Dr. Juliana Canedo


Dr Juliana Canedo is associate researcher at Habitat Unit - TU-Berlin. She has a PhD and a Master in urbanism from PROURB/ UFRJ, with a period of 9 months of Doctoral Sandwich at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Her research subject is the relationship between self-organized spaces and the role of the architect and urbanist, focusing in urbanization of favelas and squattings. She is a member of the research group [na]Morar and in 2014 she was temporary professor at the Urban Planning Department in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.  She co-founded Dois Tempos Arquitetura e Urbanismo, developing several projects, including urbanization of favelas.


Fernanda Petrus

Local Coordinator

Fernanda Petrus has a degree in Architecture and Urban Planning, and is now a postgraduate student in Urban Planning at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Currently doing research work and practice on social housing, urban social movements and occupations. She has been working in several projects for Solano Trindade Occupation since 2014, and is a member of naMORAR-UFRJ research group.


Manuel Mayer

Local Coordinator

Manuel Meyer has a degree in Environmental Engineering. As a member of MUDA UFRJ group, he has been working in the field of Agro-ecology and Permaculture. He focusses on alternative technologies for food production with the aim of closing the nutrient cycle of human consumption. Currently, he does research and practice in Ecological Sanitation. He has been acting with social movements to develop technologies to improve social and environmental welfare.



Prof. Dr. Denise Pinheiro-Machado

PROURB /FAU /UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro

Dr. Martina Schulze

Director of DAAD Rio de Janeiro /

DWIH São Paulo

Marilene de Paula


Rio de Janeiro

Edivaldo Gomes


Gelson Almeida & Noêmia Magalhães


Tome de Almeida e Lima


Rafael Fogel

Catalisé FAU/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro

Amanda Azevedo Nunes

Catalisé FAU/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro

Juliane Wilhelm

TU Berlin Alumni Program

guest lecturers

Prof. Dr. Ana Lucia Britto

PROURB /FAU /UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Dr. Cristovão Duarte

FAU /UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Dr. Flavio Janches

FADU, Universidad Buenos Aires

Prof. Dr. Luciana Lago

IPPUR /UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro

Simon Colwill

Landschafts- /Objektbau, TU Berlin

Dr. Osvaldo Rezende

Aquafluxus; PEA / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro

Dr. Marcos L. Rosa

Curator urbanxchangerprogramme, Alfred-Herrhausen-Gesellschaft

Dipl. Ing. Christina Schade

UFBA, Bahia / Universität Stuttgart

Hans Dieter Temp

NGO Cidades sem fome, São Paulo

Senta Maltschew

TU Berlin Office of International Affairs


FG Landschaftsarchitektur

Freiraumplanung TU Berlin 




Organizers and Sponsors

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​​sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funding of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development( BMZ) 

© 2021

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